The QLab at New York University explores innovative research at the intersection of quantitative and qualitative methods.
The social impact of data science is at the heart of QLab research. We study how data technology empowers and constrains human experience. We use open government data to ask questions about ethics, regulation, professionalization, equity, and more. It is affiliated with the NYU Alliance for Public Interest Technology. QLab funded summer projects are associated with Dr. Washington’s Digital Interests Lab.
We build capacity in systematic reasoning across deductive and inductive methodologies. For example, a document may be examined inductively through discourse analysis while its text is processed deductively through an R text analysis package. Socially responsible data analysis requires skills that bridge both logics of inquiry.
QLab summer research assistants work in collaboration with Dr. Anne L. Washington on projects that demonstrate the ability of empirical evidence to strengthen arguments to advance knowledge. Post-doctoral scholars, master’s students, and undergraduates affiliated with NYU join forces to solve problems in intellectually rigorous but socially supportive settings.
- QLab doctoral level & post-doc alumni (i.e. on the market and brilliant!)
- 2020 Matt Bui
- 2019 Kandrea Wade
- 2018 Rachel S Kuo
- 2018 Kiran S Samuel
- QLab research assistants include:
- 2019 Mona Sloane
- 2019 Shannon Kay, Data Scientist
- 2019 Molly Nystrom, Data Scientist
- 2019 Jessica Spencer, Data Scientist
- 2019 Amy Lei, Data Scientist
- 2020 Joshua Arrayales
- 2020 Nicole Contaxis, Data Scientist & Data Librarian
- 2020 Hope Muller, Data Scientist
- QLab related output includes
- Categories of COVID. Researcher Essays on Medium
- Whose Side are Ethics Codes On? ACM FAccT 2020
- Uncertain risk: Assessing open data signals. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy
- Data Literacy in the Public Sector Workshop. Feb 2020
- NYU Alliance. Terra Incognita & Procurement Roundtables
- Who Do You Think We Are? The Data Publics in Digital Government Policy. HICSS
- COVID19 Categories? Pandemics & Privacy Conference Future of Privacy Forum FPF. Oct 2020
The QLab is partially funded through the National Science Foundation (NSF Award #1833119) and the NYU Center for Practice and Research at the Intersection of Information, Society, and Methodology (PRIISM).
Updated: November 2020